10 Reasons You Should Fire Your Entire Sales Team – Now!

Something to think about: How much money would you save if you 86’d your entire sales organization tomorrow?

But wait, I can hear you say, without salespeople, who will meet with prospects, introduce your products, explain how they work, take them out to lunch, run up expensive tabs, order that nice bottle of ’67 Margaux…?

Two words:
Flash designer.

For a fraction of the price you pay your sales team, you could have a whole series of amazing online product demos that walk your prospects through the features and benefits of your products, explaining exactly how you can solve their business problems. In a sense, product demos do for relatively little money what you pay your salespeople a hefty commission to do. And prospects can view online product demos at their own convenience – without a pushy salesperson breathing down their neck.

Which got me to thinking… There are probably a LOT of reasons for preferring product demos to salespeople, not just for you but for people who want to do business with you. And the following list was born:

Top 10 reasons why product demos are better than salespeople.

10. Product demos aren’t pushy. A product demo won’t show up when you’re trying to work and camp out in your office until you surrender.

9. Product demos don’t run up expensive tabs at restaurants and sporting events.

8. Product demos don’t take their friends out on the town and claim it as “a business meeting.”

7. Product demos don’t do 3-martini lunches. In fact, they prefer iced tea.

6. Product demos don’t take the afternoon off to play a round of golf.

5. Product demos don’t need a vacation. They work morning, noon, and night. They work weekends. They work holidays – which even you and I don’t do!

4. Product demos won’t bore you with a PowerPoint presentation. And they won’t draw incomprehensible diagrams on napkins to impress you – or confuse you, we’re not sure which.

3. Product demos don’t call you at home when you’re sitting down to dinner.

2. Product demos don’t say, “Ooh, let me check with my manager…”

1. Product demos don’t have halitosis or wear a toupee.

In all seriousness, I’m not really recommending that you fire your sales org (although it’s been known to happen). What I would suggest is that product demos are a perfect complement to the sales organization. In fact, an experienced salesperson will often use product demos as part of a sales pitch – in a client meeting, at an event or conference, online and off. So before you hire another expense account – er, salesperson – consider the services of a good Flash designer.

PS. I certainly hope it’s clear that this post was written tongue in cheek. It was originally created for my friends at Stormship, a top-notch graphic design agency that specializes in Flash work, including product demos. I’ve worked with them on several projects and highly recommend their services.

One Reply to “10 Reasons You Should Fire Your Entire Sales Team – Now!”

  1. Enjoyed your post, John! Agree that Flash demos are great for sales, especially when posted on a website for 24-hour access. But, still think the salesperson has a key role in creating and maintaining relationships. There are still people that prefer talking to a person. Hopefully, one that doesn't have bad breath or look like this car salesman :o)

    Danielle Mai

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